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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Computing revised Part II

So, in Part I I've been talking about how computing has evolved and how can we make it even better. I will continue exploring different users types now, in a race to make the computing easier.

3. Business user.

So, a business user, is as name says, a user which mainly uses computer systems in businesses. Such environments include corporate email systems, corporate applications such as SAP (resource management), databases applications, and such. Requirements of such user aren't high, but important: she doesn't need really fast system, but would not appose to one, she doesn't need a fast applications but would like them. She needs system to be operational, meaning she wants a system to be stable and she's willing to give up some other features towards that. Interoperability is also very important requirement, as work is needed to be done and no compatibility issues would not be tolerated - if the system can't deliver, it won't be used. There's no or almost no powerful graphics required.

4. Power User

Power user is a user which has high but specific requirements. Those would be:
  • a server system (high performance CPUs, bus, hard drives)
  • a cluster (high performance networking)
  • a graphics render cluster (high performance graphics, networking and sometimes CPU and hard drives)
  • a corporate server (may have stability and failover features as main requirement)
  • CAD/Graphics developer (would require high performance graphics and CPU)

Such users will choose dominant requirement on computer system, and would trade all other features for a major one. Almost all other features would not be very important. The main requirements can be regarding either hardware or software.

In next part I will continue review of different users of computer systems.

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