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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Google Docs as a blogging platform; and more on laws

First, let me say something regarding Google Docs.

While I'm sure it is a very neat application as it is, I, at this point, am not going to use it as a blogging platform (read editor).

It is mainly for the following reasons: no "Title" field for post (it will just use the first sentence as such, exactly as it uses it for a file name) and no convenient tags - you have to save doc first, then apply tags, and then publish it. And even then, its tags and Blogger Beta tags aren't the same, and most important - you can't use tags you already have on Blogger - I mean you could create them, but not use already existing ones.

That said, I might check it out from time to time just to see its progress.

Now, as I wrote about interesting court case, it has progressed since then (its actually talking about brake pedals, not gas pedals, but for the sake of being correct, lets just say pedals).

It has progressed to the point, where Court would retest or review whether given patents are actually "innovation", or in other words something considerably new and not something anyone with ordinary knowledge in the field could've done; it requires something non-trivial to be implemented. That is, of course, what the patent should be in the first place, and not for review :-) but that's just my opinion. Full article is here.

Enjoy reading (lots of legalese btw), and feedback would be appreciated.

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